Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 8, 2014

Software to use with Flashforge Creator 3D Printer

 I want to print my angel model with overhanging wings.

I want to use my soluble filament for supports.

I've got a 3d package, Meshmixer, Slic3r and replicatorG.

But I can't seem to get them to work together.

Can someone please tell me how to use these packages to work together to print my angel.

How do I dry out my soluble filament?

1) The only really good dualstrusion software for dissolvable support right now is Makerware. Download it and learn how to use custom profiles.
2) If you're talking about PVA dissolvable filament, just throw that shit away. It's probably going to clog the ever-living crap out of your nozzle when you inevitably overheat it and burn it to coal-tar. Happens to almost everyone who uses PVA. It's a bad filament -- not worth the trouble to use. The trouble to keep it perfectly dry and keep it from overheating is not worth your time.
3) For dissolvable supports, you want to use HIPS as support for ABS. The HIPS will dissolve in d-limonene (orange oil). Or for an inferior backup option, Pine-Sol if that's all you can get your hands on.

[Problem] - 3D Printer stops printing a few layers

I've had my Flashforge Creator X Pro 3DPrinter for a couple months and have printed successfully in PLA and ABS.  Yesterday when I'm printing either ABS or PLA the printer works fine for a few layers (seems to be a bit random what layer it messes up on, but lets say 5-20 layers) then it does one of two things: 1. Freezes while printing, seems to stop extruding, 2. Moves print head to somewhere off the print bed and stops.  When either of these happen the LCD acts like its still printing but it is definitely done (it stays like this for minutes until I cancel it).  I have turned the printer on/off and it still seems to happen.  

I should mention I'm on SailFish 7.6 using Simplify3D (latest 2.1 version).  I have tried un-installing Simplify3D and re-installing. 

Anyone have any suggestions or has seen something similar?

From this I think there a couple possibilities:

1. The g-code for the print is just wrong.
2. The firmware for the printer is corrupted.
I'm fairly confident by replacing the mounting screws with nylon screws (and using nylon washers between the boards and the standoffs) on the LCD board and SD/buttons board I have resolved the original problem.  I have done several 2-3 hour prints and it would have failed many times before doing the same prints.  So hopefully if others see this they can try this fairly easy and cheap method to fix the issue.